
Your safety and security are important to us. As a visitor, exhibitor, guest or employee, you should always feel safe in meeting at Elmia. We have constantly qualified and prioritized security work both before, during and after our events.

To always ensure the right level of security, taking into account the size of the fair/event, content and situation - we work closely with the relevant authorities and have a close dialogue with the Police, the Rescue Service and Avarn Security. The collaboration takes place continuously during planning before the event and during the actual implementation.

Close cooperation with the Police in the event of a change in the security situation

We continuously follow the development of the security situation in Sweden and our surrounding world. The security police's decision to change the threat level against Sweden does not depend on any single event or concrete threat. It is a strategic assessment and a signal to all relevant social actors about the importance of continuing to work to reduce the risk of a serious incident.

Based on this, we are intensifying our existing dialogue with the relevant authorities, and we are following the Police's instructions. We are prepared to adapt any measures to ensure the right level of security for your stay with us and to be able to carry out our events safely. Exactly which measures are introduced for increased security has to do with the police's assessment of the event's possible threat profile. This could, for example, involve increased staffing of security personnel and searches.

Changed security mode that affects your stay at Elmia

If the security situation changes so that it affects you and your participation or visit to Elmia, you will be informed via the event you have planned to attend.

Updated: 2023-08-31

Phone: +46 36 15 20 00