About the fair

Elmia Automation has grown and become the leading automation fair for the Swedish manufacturing industry. It presents complete solutions in operation for efficient and automated production. Together with five other parallel production fairs, Elmia Automation is a platform for visionary thinking in the industry. And the focus is on making deals.

Elmia Automation 2024 exceeded all the expectations of both the exhibitors and visitors. Quite simply, Elmia is the industry’s longed-for and self-evident marketplace.

Elmia Automation is a dedicated trade fair, which in partnership with Svenska Automationsgruppen (SAG), is the result of long-term cooperation and dialogue with the industry.

Elmia Production Fairs all under the 
same roof

The Production Fairs are Elmia Sheet Metal, Elmia Machine Tools, Elmia Automation, Elmia Welding and Joining Technology, Elmia Polymer and Elmia 3D. The fairs are held in parallel under the same roof.

This broadens the range of production technologies and materials on offer to Sweden’s manufacturing industry and creates a joint platform for exchanging ideas that will lead to new business opportunities and visionary thinking in the industry.

Who’s visiting?

On the trade fair floor you will encounter the industry’s corporate management, production managers, engineers, design engineers and operators. Many of the visitors come here to find new solutions and suppliers and they have influence over their companies’ purchasing decisions.

Who’s exhibiting?

The fair presents complete solutions for efficient and automated production. The leading suppliers of components and robots, together with systems integrators, show the advantages of automation – ranging from individual components to machines in operation and automation in reality.