21 - 24 Aug 2024

Information to exhibitors regarding postponed fair

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 (coronavirus), and the consequences for the trade show industry, Elmia is moving the tradeshow Elmia Lastbil, to 2022.

Due to the current situation in Sweden, and the government’s applied meeting restrictions valid until further notice, Elmia has taken the decision to move forward Elmia Lastbil a second time.

The reason for postponement until 2022 is relating to our multinational exhibitors or companies with multinational principals – with a need for long-term planning. By moving up this tradeshow until 2022 we are reassuring the major position Elmia Lastbil has held for many years, as the prime arena for heavy duty truck and industry business. By optimizing the display of innovations and industry news this trade show play a key role for future long-term business development.


Elmia Lasbil will be held 24-27 August 2022


What happens if I have booked an exhibitor stand at Elmia Lastbil 2021?
Contracts for Elmia Lastbil 2021 still stand and will be moved to 2022.
Eventual invoices paid for the 2021 fair will be refunded by Elmia, apart from the basic fee. The basic fee will be held and be valid for the fair in 2022.

What happens if I have only paid the basic fee?
The basic fee is not refunded and remains until the new dates of the fair 2022.

What happens to my stand space for Elmia Lastbil 2021?
You will keep your stand from Elmia Lastbil 2020 until the new dates of 2022.


Thank you everyone who has been in touch and shown a great understanding for the situation. We now look forward to 2022 and a continued rewarding collaboration with all our exhibitors and partner organizations.


If you have any further questions, please contact us:

Niklas Lundgren
Key Account Manager
+46 36 15 22 13

Updated 2021-12-13