21 - 24 Aug 2024

Three quick questions with exhibition manager

 Three quick questions with exhibition manager
Emilott Lantz is the new exhibition manager for Elmia Lastbil, here she answers three quick questions about this year's most important event for the truck industry.

Why is Elmia Truck an important meeting place for the industry?

Here we have full focus on heavy trucks - and make sure to collect everything related to this. It's knowledge, networking and business in a really nice environment. Whether you are building, buying, selling or driving a truck, there is something for you.

Our trade fair program and above all you as an exhibitor show news, trends, inventions, research, opportunities and challenges. You meet new and existing customers and resellers, for real. You get an overview of the issues related to the challenges the industry has today, while we look ahead. Issues related to road maintenance, fuel, electrification, AI, politics, infrastructure, and more. We bring together industry leaders and challengers, politicians and government representatives, trade unions and industry organizations.

Elmia Truck is simply a unique meeting place for you who work with heavy trucks.

What are the challenges facing the industry? How can Elmia Truck help along the way, with new inspiration, new knowledge or new contacts?

Of course, we address both future issues and issues that are important and current right now, what the industry is up to. Going forward, electrification clearly represents both opportunities and challenges. We know we need to develop sustainable fuels for the future. The electrification trail is interesting because it also affects other issues such as infrastructure and the workshops of the future. If we look at the current situation and the present, for example, road maintenance and winter road conditions are important issues. 

Then of course everyone wonders what the diesel price looks like in August…


What can we expect and look forward to when it comes to this year's fair? 

This will be the 20th edition of Elmia Lastbil and it will of course be celebrated and noticed. A lot will be as usual, but we are also developing some things, such as the trade fair magazine and that we now also fill hall A with exhibitors - so now we use all the exhibition space that Elmia has!

My picture is that what everyone seems most happy about is that the fair is finally will take place, and that is the most important thing - that we finally get to see each other again!