On track for new business at Elmia Nordic Rail

On track for new business at Elmia Nordic Rail
Focusing on business for the future of railways. This is what Elmia Nordic Rail has always been about, and the 2023 fair is no exception. This is where you forge new contacts and lay the foundation for new business.

Elmia Nordic Rail is back as a focused railway fair. The 2023 event will be all about railways and the railway industry – a winning concept since the fair began in 1995. The reason is simple, and important as ever: to secure the future of the railway.

  “Everyone in the industry already knows that Elmia Nordic Rail is the leading railway fair in the Nordic region. It has been a vital forum for networking and doing business since 1995. Our aim has always been to focus firmly on the needs and challenges of the industry, and past experience shows that we have succeeded. All in all, this makes Elmia Nordic Rail the natural meeting-place for the entire railway industry,” says Emilott Lantz, Business Manager for Elmia Nordic Rail.


Meet an international market

Nordic Rail is clearly the most important arena for the railway industry. For almost 30 years it has been all about current and future developments in the sector, with innovative exhibitors, interested visitors and topical discussions in the seminar programme.

  The next Elmia Nordic Rail, to be held on 10–12 October 2023, will have the same inquisitive focus on the future as always.

  “Elmia Nordic Rail is an international meeting-place, and a well-established brand across the Nordics. This is not something that has happened overnight; it has been a concerted effort over almost 30 years. And we continue to look forward, keeping our ears to the ground so we can be a hub of knowledge and experience exchange for everyone who works in railways and other rail-bound modes of transport,” says Lantz.


A knowledge arena for the industry

The three-day fair brings together people from every area of the railway industry, from track managers and rolling stock manufacturers, to component makers and operation and maintenance personnel.

  The focus is on new knowledge and new contacts, so this really is the event that paves the way for the industry’s future. Exhibitors show the very latest innovations, making this genuinely the biggest and most prominent specialised railway fair in the Nordic region.

  “With constant developments in technology, policy and regulations, the railway industry is always facing new challenges. That’s why we highlight the most topical issues and the most relevant discussions in the seminar programme at Elmia Nordic Rail. Ultimately, what we want to do is help turn the challenges of today into the opportunities of tomorrow,” Emilott Lantz concludes.