19 - 22 May 2026
For Exhibitors

A smarter route to more business

When the visitor has finished the pre-registration for the fair they will be presented with the option to continue the registration and enter the matching against exhibiting companies based on the areas of interest.

The areas of interest are based on the product register in the exhibitor catalogue and it is therefore important for as exhibitor to fill out what products and services will be presented at the fair. The number of categories that exhibitors can enter is limited to 20.

Contact information of the visitors whose interests match your products and services will be continually updated in Leads, our tools for handling leads and contacts. As exhibitor you have access to your Leads by using your web login to access "My Pages".

In Leads you can also see who has pre-registered to visit the fair using your invitation card or electronic invitation code. During, or after, the fair you can enter the number on your visitor’s badge to download their contact information.

Elmia Plus Leads

We want to give you more time for new customers and make it easier for you to follow up on your business contacts at the fair. With Leads handling in the Elmia Plus app, you just scan the barcode on visitors’ name badges and immediately get complete customer information. The app also lets you add your own notes to complement the visitor information. You no longer have to bother keeping track of business cards and remember which visitor is interested in what.

  • Reduce your administration
  • Focus on your customer meetings
  • Follow up your business contacts immediately

Download the Elmia Plus app:

Android App store


Read under My Pages how to activate the Leads handling tool in Elmia Plus.