The Silviculture Award

The Silviculture Award is an award given to the forest contractor who has succeeded in distinguishing himself in the forestry industry.

Winner of The Silviculture Award 2019

ALFA Skogsservice AB, Jönköping

The award was presented at SkogsElmia on June 6 - 8, 2019.

A young man from another country in Europe will during the opening year of the 21st century be active in Jutlandic hygiene with planting.

A business concept is emerging and he started a company in 2011 with a focus on planting and grubbing mainly in central Norrland.

The company gets off to a brilliant start and its tasks are expanded with maintenance clearing and tree felling along power lines.

After a few more years, a commitment to assignments begins in southern Sweden. The head office will be established in Jönköping and in 2018 a new custom property will be built. However, the company's seat remains Hammarstrand as an expression of gratitude for the help he received during his first years in Sweden.

The company has a clear business concept, strategy and vision that permeates the company, which has led to a position as the third largest forest management company in Sweden with a good and stable economy.

The organization with a Region North, a Region South and a staff is clear and effective. The IT area is under strong development for control, monitoring, control and effective administrative routines for invoicing and payroll administration.

The company has a clear personnel policy that gives employees great responsibility and which inspires development.

The competition "The Silviculture Award" is organized by Skogforsk, the Swedish forestry research institute, together with Elmia.

The main sponsor of The Silviculture Award is SEB.
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