During the meeting, we provide information about the fair and look at the hall layout. The highlight will be when we get to listen to Mikael Jansson where he shares his very best tips on how to prepare your staff so that they become winners on the exhibition floor. We conclude with practical information to ensure that your participation is as smooth as possible.
The exhibitor meeting is free of charge for you as an exhibitor and takes place via Teams on two dates:
Mikael Jansson has worked with events and their development since the 1980s - both from an organiser and participant perspective. In his work as CEO of Fairlink, he has been involved in analysing many of the largest Swedish events and trained thousands of exhibitors. Mikael is a frequently hired lecturer and workshop leader and has also written several books on the subject. In 2022, Mikael was awarded Årets Eldsjäl (Enthusiast of the Year) at the event industry's major award gala Gyllene Hjulet.