Combine your visit to the fair with lectures

In connection with the fair, you who work in an installation company are offered to participate in two interesting lectures on two highly topical topics in the industry. Registration is required and is done via the form below.

Please note that all lectures are held in Swedish.

What can be learnt from inspections?

Wednesday 5 February, 14.00-15.30
Kongresshuset, K11

Richard Nyberg and Jan-Olof Cleve are two well-known lecturers who, from their respective perspectives, will talk about how both the individual employee and the organisation can use inspection in their work. We end the lectures with an engaging panel discussion led by Ludvig Bydén from Svensk Solenergi.

Solar PV inspection - what applies?
Richard Nyberg, Nybergs Elkonsult 

Serious inspection takes into account the interests of both parties
Jan-Olof Cleve, Glava Energy Center 

Panel discussion: Inspection as a tool to improve quality in the industry
Richard Nyberg, Nybergs Elkonsult
Jan-Olof Cleve, Glava Energy Center
Emma Hansson, "Solpanelstjejen”, Institutet för solenergikvalitet  
Samtalet leds av Ludvig Bydén från Svensk Solenergi


What should you consider about battery installations?

Thursday 6 February, 09.30-11.00
Kongresshuset, K11


Speakers are Richard Nyberg, Isac Myren Andersson and Oskar Öhrman. With the help of Richard and Isac, we will listen to what to consider when installing battery storage and how smart control can switch up the functionality of your battery. Oskar tells us about what today's battery market looks like.

Guidelines on battery storage
Richard Nyberg, Nybergs Elkonsult 

How to get the best out of your battery - smart management
Isac Myren Andersson, Glava Energy Center

What is the battery market like?
Oskar Öhrman, Svensk Solenergi

Panel discussion: Safe batteries
Oskar Öhrman, Svensk Solenergi
Richard Nyberg, Nybergs Elkonsult
Negar Ghassemi, RISE
Samtalet leds av Isac Myren Andersson, Glava Energy Center



Register via the form below. Places are limited and a waiting list will be applied if necessary. If you are unable to attend, please cancel your place by emailing so that someone else can attend.

Please note that an entrance ticket to the fair is required. You can order it here.

Elin Jangefors
Elin Jangefors
Phone: +46 36 15 20 87