Tech Arena

Can your company help industry become smarter? Then Tech Arena is the right forum for you! This is the perfect meeting place to help industry become better and smarter with the help of technology in various forms, regardless of level.

Be part of the smart future of industry at the Tech Arena

Showcase your company in new segments and meet other exhibitors to get a sense of where the market is going. At the Tech Arena, technology and new solutions become tangible and concrete, as visitors have the opportunity to look, listen and try some of the new innovations on the market. 

Through a booth space at the Tech Arena, you can:

  • Establish new collaborations, sense the customers' needs and present your solutions that can increase their customer value.
  • Present your technology to both exhibitors and visitors at Elmia Subcontractor.
  • Give a talk on Tech Arena's own stage and present how your case and concrete solutions can make other companies smarter.

Booth spaces and packages 

The booth spaces are sold in different packages, with different contents. Below is a sketch of how the stands in the Tech Arena are laid out. If you have any questions, please contact our salesperson.