Silver package

9 995 SEK

Excl. VAT

The Silver Package is an excellent alternative for digital display of your brand. You will share the exposure space with a few more advertisers but you pay a lower price. The advertising begins as earliest two months before and continues one month after the fair. Buy the Silver Package and be seen with a maximum of 15 other silver advertisers. Your ad is shown four seconds before it switches.

Silver Package - Maximum 16 ads, 4 sec

Your ad will be shown at:

  • Exhibitors & products
  • Opening hours
  • Tickets
  • Fair activities
  • Press

Öppettider, Biljetter, Vad händer på mässan & Press:

File dimensions: 975x548 pixles
File format: jpg, png, gif
Material deadline: Upload your adveritising material no later than two weeks before the fair opens via My Pages.

All prices refer to print/publication ready material. There is an additional charge for unfinished material. If you are not able to produce print/publication-ready material yourself, Elmia can help you.

I'll tell you more about how you can be seen at the fair!

Birgitta Lundgren
Birgitta Lundgren
Phone: +46 36 15 22 52
Sebastian Roman
Sebastian Roman
Phone: +46 36 15 20 99