The web is an important source of information for visitors and exhibitors. We offer you to be visible here from now until 1 month after Elmia Subcontractor Connect 2020.



Maximum 8 ads at every 4 seconds will be shown.

Your ads will be shown at the most visiable places: 

Technical information

File dimensions:
Banner size 1: 928x251 pixels

File format: jpg
Material deadline: 

When you have decided and got your confirmation, you will send your material to:

Name your material: Connect2020_companyname

Price VIP-package: 9 950:- SEK / paket


For further information, please contact your salesperson at Elmia.

All prices refer to material that is ready for publication/print. There is an additional cost for unfinished material. If you are unable to produce material ready for publication/print yourself, Elmia can help.