12 - 14 Nov 2024

The future of the subcontractors – challenges, opportunities and new technology!

The future of the subcontractors – challenges, opportunities and new technology!
How can companies navigate through skills shortages and digitization to not only survive but also grow? Sanna Arnfjorden Wadström, CEO at Sinf, gives us an insight into the possibilities in the current results from the barometer.

In a time characterized by uncertainty and rapidly changing market conditions, subcontractors face major challenges - but also major opportunities. The latest Subcontractor poll (Underleverantörsbarometern) shows historically low levels of profitability, which raises concerns. At the same time, optimism is sprouting within the industry.

The subcontractor poll, which Sinf has carried out quarterly for over 15 years, is an important indicator of how the industries are doing and what challenges they face.  

- According to the latest results, subcontractor profitability has reached historically low levels, which is worrying, especially with the large investments the industry is facing. At the same time, many companies express a certain optimism and believe that we are on our way out of the recession, says Sanna.

Skills shortages – a critical challenge  

The skills shortage is one of the most pressing challenges in the industry today. With increasing automation and digitization, this issue is becoming more relevant than ever. 

- The latest survey shows that sixty-seven percent of companies find it difficult to find qualified labor, which is the second highest figure we have seen. At the same time, there is a rapid increase in robotization and the use of AI. The percentage of companies that use robots in machine service has risen from 12 to 21 percent in just one year, says Sanna.

Opportunities in a changing world

Despite the challenges that subcontractors face, there are also great opportunities for innovation and growth opening up. Sanna highlights the importance of actively embracing new technology, and that manufacturing companies must dare to leave their comfort zones to grow. 

- Many companies are so focused on day-to-day operations that they forget about long-term planning. Ignoring the changes that are taking place can be risky and therefore it is important that we adapt and invest in the future.  
The global situation and the need for locally produced manufacturing give subcontractors an important role. Through local collaboration, we can strengthen our industry and increase security in these uncertain times, continues Sanna.

A platform for collaboration 

Sanna also underlines the importance of Elmia Subcontractor as a platform for the industry, where companies can meet, be inspired and create new collaborations.

- It is Northern Europe's largest subcontractor fair, a fantastic arena for the exchange of ideas and innovation. Despite the current challenges facing the industry, there is great potential for growth. By investing in new technology and collaborating, we can strengthen our competitiveness and ensure a bright future for our industry, concludes Sanna. 

Don't miss the chance to hear Sanna Arnfjorden Wadström, Tuesday 12 November at 13:00 - 13:20 on the Main Stage, where she will share the latest results from the brand new Subcontractor Barometer.  

More on Sinf 

Sinf is a service and employer organization that addresses companies that need legal advice in labor law, business law and business development. You can read more about the organization on their website.