Web Ad - Gold Package

Art.no. 11622

The web is becoming an increasingly important source of information for visitors and exhibitors alike. The closer we get to the fair, the more frequent the visits. The advertising begins as earliest two months before and continues one month after the fair. Buy the Gold Package and be seen with a maximum of seven other gold advertisers and Elmias pictures. Your ads is shown four seconds before they switch.

Gold Package - Maximum 8 ads, 4 sec. 

Your ads will be shown at: 

  • Start page
  • Exhibitors & products
  • Opening hours
  • Tickets
  • Fair activities
  • Press

Start page (Banner size 1):


Exhibitors & products (Banner size 1):


Opening hours, Tickets, Fair activities & Press (Banner size 2):


Technical information

File dimensions:
Banner size 1: 928x251 pixels
Banner size 2: 975x548 pixels
File format: jpg, png, gif
Material deadline: No later than two weeks before publication i.e. as ealiest 2 months + 2 weeks before the fair opens you upload your advertising material via My Pages. When logged in, go to "Stand out during the fair" and then "Material for purchased digital advertising". Your material must be titled with the name, space and measurements of your advertisement space (for example “Banner_website_928x251px). For further information, please contact your salesperson at Elmia.

All prices refer to material that is ready for publication/print. There is an additional cost for unfinished material. If you are unable to produce material ready for publication/print yourself, Elmia can help.

18 995 SEK 

Excl. VAT and advertising tax (advertising tax only applies to Swedish customers).