Why should I exhibit?

Exhibiting at a trade fair is a cost-effective marketing channel. Within a short time you meet a large group of prospective customers. Visitors to a trade fair are active and open to information and new contacts. Imagine the possibilities that can open up!

Who exhibits?

Typical exhibitors at the Water and Wastewater Fair include producers of equipment and services in areas including water treatment, distribution, IT, measurement, control and regulation technology, operation, maintenance, research and consultation, for example. Authorities, industry associations, trade media and research/education institutes are also important elements of the fair.

Who visits?

The Water and Wastewater Fair will be visited by the municipal water and wastewater sector, as well as the processing industry and other industries with needs and interests in the treatment, distribution and handling of large volumes of water. Producers of equipment and services in areas including water treatment, distribution, IT, measurement, control and regulation technology, operation, maintenance, research and consultation, for example, will also be at the fair.