For questions during moving in and under the fair, please contact the Information desk.

Info Lobby Syd
Info Lobby Syd
Phone: +46 36 15 21 17
Info Lobby Nord
Info Lobby Nord
Phone: +46 36 15 21 53


Business Manager

Bengt Johansson
Bengt Johansson
Phone: +46 36 15 22 71

Account Manager, Annonshuset

Patrik Swenzén
Phone: +46 8 662 75 67
Hans Flygare
Phone: +46 8 662 75 03

Communication Manager

Markus Gotting
Markus Gotting
Phone: +46 36 15 21 62

Exhibitors support

Malin Bertilsson
Malin Bertilsson
Phone: +46 36 15 21 10

Stand Design Sales

Interior and design
Interior and design
Phone: +46 36 15 22 30

Project Coordinator

Johanna Bjurevik
Johanna Bjurevik
Phone: +46 36 15 22 24

Elmia Transport Service

Phone: +46 36 15 22 85 +46 36 15 22 86


Elmia AB

Delivery address
Mässvägen 12, SE-554 54 JÖNKÖPING

Visiting address
Elmiavägen 11, SE-554 54 JÖNKÖPING

Postal address
Box 6066, SE-550 06 JÖNKÖPING, SWEDEN

036-15 20 00


VAT number