The new EU Sustainability reporting Directive (CSRD) has come in effect and large companies start to report for year 2024.This will have a ripple effect down supply chains and many SME's, even if not legally required to report, will be required to submit data about e.g. carbon reduction plans and details about supply chain.
Scandic Sourcing offers support to SME's to develop a sustainability report according to the CSRD Voluntary Standard for SME's (VSME). With such a report SME's can provide hard data and transparency to their larger clients, minimize time spent on responding to data requests and lay a foundation for further sustainability reporting work.
Scandic Sourcing provide advice and project management for SMEs to put together a VSME report. With Scandic Sourcing's guidance this can be done in an efficient way minimizing the total workload and resulting in a professional report meeting customers expectation on information and transparency.
Per Linden